Hard on the heels of the very interesting event “Legal translation to the next level” held on 4 February here in London come a series of other events and conferences all relating to the topic. The tagline for the London conference was that legal translators should ‘roar to the world’ about their existence. Another 5 conferences happening this year will certainly help get the message out there about what legal translators do and the important role they play. So here’s a quick round-up of forthcoming legal translation events:
- Vienna, 30-31 March 2017
A conference on the many facets of legal translation organised by EULITA, the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association. The programme can be found at the link. Looks like there will be some particularly interesting presentations, such as “Legal Professionals and Translators in Interaction: A Model to be Followed?” and “The Professional Profile of Legal Interpreters and Translators – UNI 11591:2015 Standard”.
- Toulouse, 11-12 May 2017
A symposium on what’s at stake in legal translation and the need to translate accurately. The programme for the event does not appear to be available yet. More news when it does become available.
- Bratislava, 1-2 June 2017
Quo Vadis Legal translation? A congress presenting recent research in legal translation which will look particularly at legal translation from and into languages of lesser diffusion, conventions and norms in legal translation, official translation, the teaching of legal translation, legal terminology and legal terminology of languages of lesser diffusion. The programme is not out yet.
- Poznan 23-25 June 2017
The Twelfth Conference on Legal Translation, Court Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistics; a regular fixture on the legal translation calendar which will feature talks on legal translation and court interpreting, teaching legal translation and court interpreting, the role of certified translators and interpreters in legal proceedings as well as mistranslation and misinterpreting in legal context.
- Freiburg, 7-9 September 2017
The ILLA conference on Language and Law in a World of Media, Globalisation and Social Conflicts will feature panels specifically on legal translation and will also examine wider-ranging issues of legal linguistics and the role of language and law in a more globalised world. A preliminary programme can be found at the link.
More news about these and other legal translation events as it emerges.
I look forward to reading your future posts.
I will also be giving a paper at the Bialystok conference in June.