Tag: Hellenic Code of Civil Procedure

Launching a new series of interviews with legal translators and experts in the field of legal translation, we have an interview with Eleni Nanaki, Attorney at Law LL.M – author and publisher of the bilingual legal glossaries in the ius et translatum series who talks to us about challenges in legal translation as seen by an international lawyer…Continue Reading..

A couple of interesting talks on legal translation and court interpreting are coming up in the next few days and weeks…Continue Reading..

I recently read this post on legalwritingeditor.com concerning the need for short and plain statements of claim when filing actions in the US context.

In the Greek context, Article 216(1) of the Hellenic Code of Civil Procedure contains a similar requirement, since in addition to the information required by Articles 118 or 117 of that same Code, it must also contain (a) a clear statement of the facts supporting the action in law and entitling the plaintiff to file it against the defendant, (b) an accurate description of the dispute, and (c) a specific request.

How  many legal translators can point to texts they seen for legal translation that don’t meet these requirements?Continue Reading..


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