Tag: Seminar

On  Thursday, 21 September, the University of Birmingham will host a seminar on ” Law, translation and migration: an enlightening relationship”. The event is free but requires pre-registration. The announcement about the event and the full programme are reproduced below:

“Challenges of legal translation have existed for a long time in international law and international relations. However, the intense process of globalization since the latter half of the 20th century has led to a rapid increase of international treaties and agreements, regional governance, international organizations, NGOs and courts as well as growing reliance on international arbitration.

Much of this globalized legal work is performed through translation. In spite of its long history and recent proliferation, legal translation remains underexplored, particularly from a socio-legal perspective. In fact, research on the intersection of law and translation has tended to concentrate on a rather limited agenda with broader issues being neglected. Therefore, migration is an appropriate and innovative lens to pursue this broader investigation and to tackle the following key issues: what are the various effects of globalisation on this intersection? What is the impact of legal translation on the acceptance of concepts and ideas into other (legal) cultures? What are the effects of the ‘translated’ word on the perception of the very phenomena it portrays?

This seminar will not only further our understanding of the intersection of law and translation, but it will advance knowledge and analysis on migration, an issue central to our times. By addressing the intersection of law and translation in this way, it will  reveal novel questions, effects or links to migration, thus advancing the intellectual agenda of the socio-legal community.”



Workshop 1 – Language and migration – A complex relationship

Professor Ann-Marie Fortier – University of Lancaster (Department of sociology):
‘On (not) speaking English: colonial legacies in language requirements for British citizenship’ 

Professor Eleanor Spaventa – University of Durham (School of Law):
“Language and the internal market”

Professor François Grin – Université de Genève (Faculty of translation and interpreting)
“Language, mobility and inclusion in the EU: the MIME project”

Workshop 2 – Portrayal of the nexus translation and migration

Professor Lucja Biel – University of Warsaw (Faculty of applied linguistics):
‘Translation and the law: A case study of a corpus of (legal) translation on migration’ 

Professor Loredana Polezzi – University of Cardiff (School of Modern Languages):
‘The portrayal in contemporary literary texts of the relationship between migration, translation and the law”


Workshop 3 – ‘Translating migration’ in practice

Professor Angela Creese & Professor Adrian Blackledge – University of Birmingham (School of Education):
‘Translation in everyday practice”

Dr Frances Rock – University of Cardiff (School of English, communication and philosophy)
“Just because she’s a solicitor that doesn’t make her any better than you”: Law, translation and migration in confronting disadvantage through enlightened relationships in legal advice”

Dr Elpida Loupaki – Aristotle University of Thessalonika (Department of French studies and literature):
‘Translating migration – beyond terminology’

Piotr Wegorowski – University of Cardiff (School of English, communication and philosophy)
“Translating institutional procedures: the case of community policing”


source: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/law/events/2017/law-translation-migration.aspx

Terminology Management for legal translators

Terminology management is the process of documenting terms in an organized and systematic way. Given that up to 40% of translation time can be spent on terminology research, documented terminology is of vital importance to translators since it helps greatly reduce the time spent to re-research each term. Terminology management files, like glossaries, are useful not only to linguists, but to clients as well, who can re-use them for similar future projects. Being able to leverage terminology means that professional legal translators ensure consistency and high-quality content in their legal translations.

For those interested in terminology management there are two summer schools that provide respective training.

To begin with, the International Terminology Summer School (TSS) is a one-week, practice-oriented training course about the methods and principles of terminology management, organized and lectured by some of the most renowned and respected trainers and experts in the field of terminology. This year it is going to take place in Vienna, Austria from the 11th until the 15th of July 2016.

This summer school is designed for translators, terminology professionals, students and researchers who are looking for an introduction to terminology management in theory and practice. No specific background or knowledge level is required to participate.

On 13th July one of the topics is dedicated to legal translation and terminology.

The provisional programme is as follows:


  • What is terminology?
  • Why terminology management?
  • How terminology work is embedded in my organisation and work environment?


  • Data Modelling: Data Categories for Terminology Management
  • Terminology Tools – Terminology Management, Extraction and Control
  • Terminology Exchange
  • Creating a Terminology Database
  • Exploring TBX


  • How to present the business case for terminology
  • Terminology Policies and Terminology Planning
  • How to calculate and argue costs & return on investments for terminology
  • Legal translation and Terminology


  • Copyright Issues for Terminology Management
  • Standards for Terminology Work: Principles, Definitions and Relations
  • Terminology Work in ISO TC 37



  • Participants’ Terminology Projects, Q & A Workshop
  • Wrap-up, Final Discussion, TSS Certificates and Closing

You can find more information about fees, discounts and registration here: http://www.termnet.org/english/events/tss_2016/index.php

Similarly, the Faculty of Arts of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) is organising the 1st International Translation Technology Summer School in Antwerp, Belgium from the 29th of August till the 2nd of September 2016.

This Summer School is not focused on terminology management only, but also covers other interesting topics regarding translation and localization issues and tools.

According to the website, the overall draft programme is as follows:

Day 1

  • The translation process and translation technologies
  • Parallel workshops on multilingual workflow management, file formats and file conversion

Day 2

  • Computer-assisted translation tools (CAT): commercial vs. open-source, desktop vs. cloud
  • Parallel workshops on different translation memory tools and translation management systems.

 Day 3

  • Workshop on Machine Translation and Post-Editing
  • CAT-tools and dictation
  • Terminology management and corpus-analysis tools

 Day 4

  • Technical communication
  • Parallel workshops on website and software localization

 Day 5

  • Parallel workshops on Quality in Translation
  • How to evaluate translation technologies

This is also a one-week event, during which experienced trainers and experts from both the academic and the commercial world will give presentations, hands-on workshops, and use case scenarios. The keynote speakers are yet to be announced.

This summer school is designed for language professionals who are looking for a practice-oriented and state-of-the-art introduction to translation and localization issues and tools. It would also be very useful for legal translators, or for people looking to improve their overall translation skills, including their legal translation skills.

You can find more information about fees, discounts and registration here: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/conference/transtech-summerschool/registration-ttsummerschool

The language of instruction and discussion for both these events is English.


By Eva Angelopoulou

To mark the publication of the book Legal Language, Legal Terminology: Theory and Practice (Νομική Γλώσσα, Νομική Ορολογία: Θεωρία και Πράξη), Nomiki Vivliothiki Press is holding a seminar on ‘The Nature of legal discourse: legal language, legal terminology, legal translation’. The speakers include the authors of the book (P. Krimbas and K. Valeontis) as well a Hellenic Supreme Court judge who has written his own book on Greek legal language and a well-respected law professor.

Monday 16 February, 18:00 hours at 23 Mavromichali St. (Nomiki Vivliothiki)

The presentation / seminar is in Greek.


An interesting-sounding seminar on legal terminology in insurance. Thanks to the Words to Deeds blog for the information:

An interactive workshop entitled “Legal terminology in insurance documents and contracts” will be run on 13 December 2014 in Manchester, UK, from 10 am to 2 pm.

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