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English legal terminology: Practice on selected legal texts, edited by C. Stamelos is available in Greek from Nomiki Vivliothiki Press.It’s aimed at Greek lawyers who deal with English legal texts in their day-to-day practice, and at students examining legal texts involving aspects of English or US law drafted in English. The English legal terminology discussed focuses primarily on English law, and in some special cases on US law. The structure of this book is as follows: Part I examines different branches of law, with an emphasis on European and international law, and relevant texts are examined. Part II looks more systematically at methods for translating legal terms and practical and theoretical texts, with an emphasis on constitutional and commercial law. Part III helps deepen understanding of theoretical legal texts, focusing on the concept of liability in constitutional civil and commercial law (and in particular in company, shipping and banking law). The final section contains English legal texts to work on to deepen understanding. There is an EN-GR wordlist of legal terms at the end of each part covering the sector of law that was dealt with, intended to help readers in translating the English legal texts.

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