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Considering the time legal translators spend on researching terminology for legal translations, it’s always useful to have helpful tools for the job.

MagicSearch is a new multilingual metasearch engine which allows users to look-up terms in multiple sources with a single click, meaning immense savings in terms of time and effort.

Users can customize the sources by changing the order the results appear in, or by adding or removing sources.

MagicSearch supports over 10,000 language pairs, including all 24 languages of the European Union. The engine searches in IATE, the terminology database of the European Institutions, but also in TAUS, ProZ, Linguee or Glosbe among others, meaning it could well prove to be a useful tool for finding the terminology that appears in legal translations.

Source:        http://termcoord.eu/2016/04/the-magical-search-engine-for-terminology/



By Eva Angelopoulou

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