Tag: Legal language

Legal Translation in Context:  Professional Issues and Prospects

Borja Albi, Anabel / Prieto Ramos, Fernando (eds)


What does it take to be a legal translator? What is expected of legal translation professionals in the public and private sectors? Following recent developments in the field, there is a need to take stock of professional settings, skills and related training needs. This volume offers a systematic overview of the diverse professional profiles within legal translation and the wide range of communicative situations in which legal translators play their roles as mediators. Contexts of professional practice have been classified into three main categories, which give shape to the three parts of the book:

(1) legal translation in the private sector;

(2) legal translation for national public institutions; and

(3) legal translation at international organizations. Practical concerns within each of these settings are analysed by experts of diverse backgrounds, including several heads of institutional translation teams. Commonalities and differences between contexts are identified as a means of gaining a comprehensive understanding of this multifaceted and dynamically changing profession.



  • Legal Translation: The State of Affairs
  • Jan Engberg: Comparative Law for Translation: The Key to Successful Mediation between Legal Systems
  • Francisco Vigier/Perla Klein/Nancy Festinger: Certified Translators in Europe and the Americas: Accreditation Practices and Challenges
  • Anabel Borja Albi: Freelance Translation for Multinational Corporations and Law Firms
  • João Esteves-Ferreira: Challenges of the Freelance Legal Translator: Lifelong Learning, Ethics and Other Key Professional Issues
  • Juan Miguel Ortega Herráez/Cynthia Giambruno/Erik Hertog: Translating for Domestic Courts in Multicultural Regions: Issues and New Developments in Europe and the United States of America
  • Leo Hickey: Translating for the Police, Prosecutors and Courts: The Case of English Letters of Request
  • Ramón Garrido Nombela: Translating for Government Departments: The Case of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-Operation
  • Jean-Claude Gémar: Translating vs Co-Drafting Law in Multilingual Countries: Beyond the Canadian Odyssey
  • Susan Šarčević/Colin Robertson: The Work of Lawyer-Linguists in the EU Institutions
  • Xingmin Zhao/Deborah Cao: Legal Translation at the United Nations
  • Alexandra Tomić/Ana Beltrán Montoliu: Translation at the International Criminal Court
  • Muriel Millet: Legal Translation at INTERPOL
  • Fernando Prieto Ramos: Legal Translation at the World Trade Organization
  • Olivier Pasteur: Technology at the Service of Specialized Translators at International Organizations.


Peter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2013

Series: New Trends in Translation Studies – Volume 4

Year of Publication: 2013

ISBN 978-3-0343-0284-5


English legal terminology: Practice on selected legal texts, edited by C. Stamelos is available in Greek from Nomiki Vivliothiki Press.Continue Reading..

curia.gr is an online portal with useful information about the Greek legal system featuring recent legislative changes, recent case-law, articles about legal issues and interviews with lawyers discussing aspects of Greek law.

One post written by a trainee lawyer highlights the importance of English in the day-to-day life of Greek lawyers Continue Reading..

I recently had the chance to meet with Hellenic Supreme Court Judge, Argyris Stavrakis at a conference in Athens. Stavrakis is the author of “Modern Greek Legal Language and Terminology” (Νεοελληνική Νομική Γλώσσα και Ορολογία) currently in its third edition and available from P. N. Sakkoulas Press in Greek.

Stavrakis himself has said that he was inspired to write the book “because of the poor use of modern Greek in quite a few legal texts,” something that professional GR/EN legal translators will be quite familiar with.  Continue Reading..

To mark the publication of the book Legal Language, Legal Terminology: Theory and Practice (Νομική Γλώσσα, Νομική Ορολογία: Θεωρία και Πράξη), Nomiki Vivliothiki Press is holding a seminar on ‘The Nature of legal discourse: legal language, legal terminology, legal translation’. The speakers include the authors of the book (P. Krimbas and K. Valeontis) as well a Hellenic Supreme Court judge who has written his own book on Greek legal language and a well-respected law professor.

Monday 16 February, 18:00 hours at 23 Mavromichali St. (Nomiki Vivliothiki)

The presentation / seminar is in Greek.



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