Tag: Greek legal translation

Legal translation is concerned with comparative law and the incongruency of legal systems: elements of one legal system cannot simply be transposed into another legal system. In legal translation the comparison of legal terms precedes their translation. Legal translators must compare the meaning of terms in the source and target legal systems, which will make them aware of similarities and differences in their use across languages.

Karen McAuliffe: Translating Ambiguity,The Journal of Comparative Law, Vol 9(2)

Problems in legal translation generally arise because legal systems conceptualise reality in different ways. Legal translators do not translate words. They translate terms embedded in specific cultural models. Legal systems reflect principles and values that underlie the organisation of a society. This is why the translation of legal rules is considered not as a translation of words or ideas but as an import of foreign methods of organisation of a society.

Karen McAuliffe: Translating Ambiguity,The Journal of Comparative Law, Vol 9(2)

The last two posts have raised the issue of Ottoman land-holdings in Greece and the relevant Greek legal terminology involved which GR-EN legal translators may not be aware about because of the Turkish roots of the words.

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In yesterday’s post, the article referred to set out some thoughts about the nature of legal translation in the Greek-English combination and some of the difficulties translators face. One of the issues raised was that other languages have often influenced English legal language.

The same is true of Greek legal language to a certain extent.

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Below is an interesting article written by Mata Salogianni, examining some aspects of legal translation in the Greek-English combination.Continue Reading..


Legal terms, most of the time, do not represent objects with a physical aspect, but legal concepts which lawyers in different times and places have named differently. Should legal terminology be influenced by time and place? Which is the ‘correct’ choice of the word, when we translate from Greek into Anglo-Saxon legal language? When is it not unethical to approach the target-language more and leave our own behind? The answer does not only depend upon the most important person of the reader, but also on the approach we take concerning how our own system is presented.

Click here for the full article in Greek: http://www.eleto.gr/download/Conferences/4th%20Conference/4th_24-02-KanellopoulouBotti.pdf

This is the first of a series of posts examining different aspects of the Hellenic Civil Code to help translators working in Greek to English legal translation better understand specific provisions of the Code.

The article is by Anastasia Miliou and appeared on curia.gr. It examines a recent court judgment in which a donation was revoked due to the donee being ungrateful to the donor, and explains the conditions under which a donation can be reversed.Continue Reading..

The 10th Conference “Hellenic Language and Terminology” will be held from 12 to 14 November 2015. One of the main themes at this year’s conference is Terminology and Law. Read on for more information about the conference.

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I recently had the chance to meet with Hellenic Supreme Court Judge, Argyris Stavrakis at a conference in Athens. Stavrakis is the author of “Modern Greek Legal Language and Terminology” (Νεοελληνική Νομική Γλώσσα και Ορολογία) currently in its third edition and available from P. N. Sakkoulas Press in Greek.

Stavrakis himself has said that he was inspired to write the book “because of the poor use of modern Greek in quite a few legal texts,” something that professional GR/EN legal translators will be quite familiar with.  Continue Reading..


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